WordPress vs. Squarespace Which Website Builder is Best

September 20, 2021

Building a website is not just a trend anymore but a necessity in today's world. So, if you're creating a website, there are tons of platforms available to choose from. Out of all, WordPress and Squarespace are two popular website builders that stand out. But which one is better? To help you make a wise decision, we've put together a comprehensive comparison between the two platforms.


When it comes to pricing, Squarespace comes with a flat monthly or annual fee, which includes hosting and other required features for an e-commerce site. In contrast, WordPress offers a free solution, but to have a custom domain and advanced features like themes, plugins, and analytics, it requires an investment in hosting and a range of third-party solutions.

While Squarespace is more suitable for those who don't know how to code and have a small budget, WordPress is ideal for entrepreneurs and business owners who need more control and customizability.

Ease of Use

Squarespace is an out-of-the-box platform that comes with everything you need to get started. It has a beautiful and organized interface that is easy to navigate, making the designing process less complicated. However, customization options are limited, and you can't add functionality beyond Squarespace's built-in options.

WordPress comes with a steep learning curve but offers complete flexibility and customization capabilities. It's ideal for those who need more control over their website's look and functionality.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization makes or breaks your online presence, and WordPress excels in that department. It offers a wider range of SEO plugins that can significantly improve your website's ranking. These plugins provide advanced features, including metadata optimization, XML sitemaps, keyword optimization, and more.

In contrast, Squarespace has limited SEO features, and some metatags and elements can't be altered without accessing the backend.


Squarespace has ample e-commerce features, making it a perfect platform for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers unlimited products, real-time carrier shipping, and flexible payment options. However, it has limited integrations and customizability with external e-commerce tools.

Whereas, WordPress offers a range of third-party e-commerce plugins, making it versatile for businesses, both small and large.

Final Verdict

WordPress and Squarespace are two different website builders with their advantages and disadvantages. It all comes down to your needs and budget. If you're looking for a simple and easy platform with basic features or an online store, Squarespace is a great option. But if you need more freedom and control over your website, you should opt for WordPress.

So, which one is better? We'll leave that up to you!


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